Navigating care
for your Ohana
Education. Compassion. Quality Care.
Each kupuna is unique, and so are their needs.
We’re here to help alleviate the stressors of finding quality care for you or your loved one. Our care advisors make every effort to ensure that your next chapter is filled with joy, understanding and the best life enrichment and care coordination possible.
What is Care Navigation?
Imagine that you are lost in a forest and in need of an expert that understands how to get back to civilization... Our Care Advisors do the same thing with the exception of helping you navigate the healthcare system.
We understand that caregiving doesn't come with a "how-to" manual.
When a loved one is diagnosed with a new or chronic ailment, life changes for the entire family.
Our Placement & Care Advisors have personal and professional experience when it comes to navigating Hawaii's healthcare system. We provide education, compassion and navigate you toward quality care.
Lets plan for tomorrow together!
Schedule a free care consultation with one of our Care & Placement Advisors
Long-Term and Respite Placement
We are dedicated to finding the best fit for you or your family member so that they may live comfortably and be well taken care of.
Our goal is to ease the hardship on families of finding and vetting care providers and ensuring that you or your loved one is in good hands!
Life Enrichment
OnPoint Products
Technology that prolongs
independence at home
Our OnPoint products provide a sense of safety and reassurance for kupuna that choose to age independently.
Do you live on the mainland but have a loved one here in Hawaii?
OnPoint technology is able provide peace of mind for
family caregivers no matter where you are.
With OnPoint, we are able to detect falls, predict care related anomalies and acts as a layer of support for the kupuna and their families.